Sunday, December 8, 2013

Paris Trip Day 5

Sunday Mass at Norte Dame Cathedral was amazing. It was definitely an experience I will always remember. I woke up at 9AM to the Fiance's alarm. The alarm was in my dream which had Betty White, one of our Zoo's benefactor, and 2 French ladies. I thought it was my cell phone ringing and I couldn't find it so I woke from my dream only to realize it was only that, a dream, and the ringing was the alarm.
We stopped at Hotel de Ville, which looked like a tiny village from Disney's Beauty and the Beast. We walked across the bridge and found a long line to enter Norte Dame. If you want to attend Mass, you can wait on the side if you think the visitor line is too long. The line for Mass doesn't open/start until 10-15 mins before the start of service. The exterior of the catherdal was true beauty. To think that it would have been demolished had it not been for Victor Hugo's Hunchback of Norte Dame. Restoration is ongoing, but worth it. Interior is even more majestic. The ceiling above looks down at you in a cold stare as the organ carries on its haunting tune echoing throughout the entire building. It is a lot more dramatic in person; music and interior.
Mass started at 11:30AM. We attended international mass which was partly in English. It was highly attended by tourists. We found seats not too far from the main alter. The priest greeted everyone from all over the world. And before we knew it, mass ended right at 12:30PM. We then toured the rest of building. So many statues of important Catholic figures and painting depicting good versus evil, kindness and virtue.
After touring the gardens surrounding the cathedral we decided to break for lunch. We ate at a nearby restaurant which the Fiance spotted walking into Norte Dame. He was in the mood for roasted chicken, I wanted to try how the French prepare lamb so I had lamb chops. Everything was delicious.
To walk off dinner we decided to visit the famous lock bridge I've mentioned in one of the blogs. It was a sight to see. Covered from start to end of the bridge were all sorts of locks from lovers all over the world. Bike locks were also on there.
We left the bridge and headed towards the Metro to visit the Christmad market in La Defense. Once there, we found the market carfefully placed in the middle of large skyscrapers. We walked it a bit and then headed to the mall called 4 Quatres.
Tired from an all day excursion we headed home. Most shops are closed on Sundays and some close early if they were opened. We stopped into our neighborhood's bakery and bought a little bit of everything. We feasted on our ecclectic dinner and hung out at the flat. Can't believe our trip is ending. Tomorrow will probably be a wrap up of things. Till tomorrow!

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